Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin...Bread?

 The Pumpkin. Autumn's favorite squash/fruit. What do you think of when you hear the word"Pumpkin"? I think of Pumpkin pie, Jack O' Lanterns (My last post) and Pumpkin bread. Pumpkin bread? I know what you're thinking. What's that? It's a delicious half-cake half-bread dessert with a semi-strong taste of pumpkin and cinnamon with chocolate chips, raisins/crasins (cranberry-raisins), dates, walnuts and other things. Once you try it, there's no stopping the addiction. Let me tell you what we did to make this delicious treat:

  • Bought pie pumpkins at local pumpkin patch (proceeds went to charity and cost less than at a grocery store)
  • Cooked them down and froze them in 2-cup portions to be used for pumpkin bread and/or pumpkin pie
We got the recipe from Joy of Cooking, but added the chocolate chips and added  chopped dates. This recipe is delicious plain, toasted, with butter/peanut butter, but best hot, fresh out of the oven. Try it. TRY IT. TRY IT! TRY IT! You'll love it.


  1. I tried it and I loved it, loved it, loved it! It was the BEST and I want more!

  2. Where's the neighborly love? I need to drop by more often while you are "working" on blog posts. The knife slashes add a nice touch to the finished product! Thanks kid chef! XO

  3. This was delicious! Thank you, Kid Chef!

  4. yummo in my tummo kid chef, this gets a big thumbs up from the sunshine state. i actually like mine toasted w/ cream cheese. the best!!! i want to give a shout out to girl, i was just on her blog and saw kid listed in her fav blog roll. NICE! love you babe, mimi
